Sunday, July 30, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Green-Eyed Monster

Green is my favourite colour. And lately I've been getting plain Tops in different shades of green. So I thought I might as well post them for others to see the difference. Some havie-fans might want to have a dose of the green rubber, who knows?!

The Plain pairs are as follows: Verde Grama, Coral Green, Verde Mata, Jungle Green, and Lime Green.
The Metallics are: Citrus Green, Lawn Green, and Pistache.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
3 happiness from Surf Dive 'N Ski...
Stretching my legs meant walking...And walking for me is better performed while window-shopping or best by doing actual shopping! :) The first thing I checked was Melbourne Central's General Pants & Co.. I saw a different shade of Havaianas Green Metallics but there wasn't any on my size left. There was a slight disappointment there...but there's more shops to browse, so I consoled myself.
The next stop was just its next door neighbour, SurfDiveNSki. I can see the racks look different from afar, must it be that they've got new stuff??? Oh YES, they do!!!
But see, I still have a bit of self-control when I told myself...Check Jetty Surf first before grabbing anything. So that's what I actually did.
I walked to the other side of the CBD and checked Jetty Surf. What I don't have (that they have), is the Royal Blue Metallics and the Fuchsia Metallics. The size of the 35/36 for the Fuchsia Metallics is bizarre. I really think they're 37/38. So to be sure, I measured it against the Royal Blue Metallics and it's confirmed. The 35/36 of the Fuchsia is longer by a few cms. I didn't get it. I'll find other sources for that one.
Meanwhile, I rushed back to SurfDiveNSki. And look what I found!!!!
New shades of green!!! So long as it's green there's no returning to the racks.

(Pistache Metallics)

(Verde Grama)
So I secured all the 35/36 pairs and went through each of them carefully, choosing which one's the best. I saw a different shade of blue as well. But it's kinda similar with the Blue Jeans that Rache bought for me. So that can wait.
I also bought this apricot-coloured-like Top only because my feet looked nicer in them! :)

And the straps were a bit snug. It's very rare in my Havie pairs, y'know...I mean SNUG straps!
So there...3 new pairs on a Wednesday afternoon. 3 more happiness in havienutbex's havie world! :) :) :)
Friday, July 21, 2006
Just because...
Because I was awake until 3 in the morning to support the project's deployment this week...
Because I haven't spend a single cent for clothes nor shoes lately...
Because It's been all work and no play for me for weeks now...
Because I haven't visited a Havaianas store this week...
Because I'm stressed...
Because it's Friday night...
Because it's Shopping Day for Melbourne...
Because I need to make a friend happy...
Because I'll catch a cold if I don't get a pair...
Whatever reason to get one....Just because!!!

Shocking Pink Metallics. I've seen this for months now. Can you see my footprints indented on its sole now? It's because everytime we visit the shop, I would try them on. :) But I never get to bring them home. Everytime, I find all sorts of reasons not to buy them. The straps were too loose, the colour doesn't suit my skin colour, or I bought enough pairs for the week.
But not tonight.
When I tried them on for the nth was a different vibe. It felt like we're meant for each other. And perhapsm really it's high time for her to join the havienutbex's clan at pascoe vale!

Yellow Margaridas. The lone pair in the store. And perhaps the only one remaining in Melbourne or even in Australia. They don't even have it in my size. But this one, I bought for a pretty friend in Japan whose pretty feet would fit nicely in these lovely bright Margaridas!

And this is called Brasil Bicolor (that's what the tag reads anyway). I spotted this from Jetty Surf. This must be a new stock. There's also a Royal Blue Metallics and Fuchsia Metallics (which I'm hesitant to get. I will need to wear my Cream Rose Metallics by next trip to make sure they're not of the same hue.)
Anyway...there's a few prospects that I'm coming back for, for next week's Havie-Fix! :)
Saturday, July 15, 2006
The Elusive Zebra...
And then one day, after I hoarded all the colours and prints of the Havaianas Animal Kingdom...this was the only one missing! I can no longer see them anywhere. Believe me when I say that I've searched every shop in Melbourne and even went as far as Lorne Foreshore and Apollo Bay but nada.
I asked fellow havaianatics from Manila. They found some pairs but not in my size. :(
And then last month, I had a chat with Clayton (Globalize Shop Manager) and told him that I am searching for this print and he confirmed that it's not available anymore. But he said he might be able to get me one coz he thinks there's some 3 pairs left in South Australia.
Weeks passed. I haven't been to that store. I just usually call to ask if they've got new stocks already. And since the answer's negative, I didn't bother going to the store. Except for tonight...I have an errand to buy a friend 3 pairs of the stripe metallics and guess what I saw hanging all alone in the midst of the Gold Leopard Prints and Brown Giraffes.....

Friday, July 14, 2006
Home At Last!!!
Yesterday morning while I was on my way to work, I silently said a prayer..."Lord, it doesn't matter when. But please don't let those pairs get lost.". It may sound pathetic to some but let me tell you that He hears simple prayers spoken out of desperation! Just a few minutes before my lunch break, my husband called to tell me that a surprise is waiting for me at the house and I'd better not stay too late at work!
These awaits me.... :)

There were a few phased out styles here. One's the Surf Bamboo Olive Green, the Fashion Lime Green, and the Fashion White with Swarovski (don't worry the crsystals were still sparkling and didn't turn into graphite!).
There were also a few that belonged to the Collector's Edition in the Havaianas US website. And they're the Floral Tomato, Floral Light Green, Fashion Floral Purple, and Fashion Floral Jade. The other Floral pair I bought was an eye-catcher for its colour. I bought another pair of the Cartunista Fernando Green for backup. My other pair had minor scratches on the left sole from previous shipping.

They're home now and havienutbex was relieved to see them all safe and sound!
I just love this week! Full of havvie (happy) surprises! Thanks Havaianas Team! Thanks to my Havie Friends in Manila and the US! Thanks to you Up there for guiding all these shipments to my doorstep unscathed! :)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Imports from Manila, July 2006

Among these, this pair is the most special. This is the Havaianas Filipinas. Created especially for the Philippine Havaianatics accented with the Philippine flag on the side. I have this pair signed for me by the Famous Philippine Master Rapper, Francis Magalona. Aside from the good looks, he's very talented releasing top chart hits like my favourite "Mga Kababayan Ko" (My Fellow Countrymen). The wifey, a fellow havie fan made it possible for me to have them signed. Thanks heaps Snowhite!!! (Shall I make it known that this was actually a GIFT?) :) That makes it double SPECIAL!!!

Then the printed pairs.... The first from the left is the newly released Flowers 2006 (white). I have completed all the colours for this design. But I like the lilac one best.
The next is the Cartunista Fernando (Yellow) pair. This is my second pair. It came out cheaper in Manila so I decided to buy again. So then I wouldn't get too worried of getting scratches on the prints due to wear & tear. The next is the blue version of the Flowers 2006. IPE Parrot and IPE Tiger were the ones I've been waiting for for a long time. Hugggsss Rache!
The ones lying on the floor were Summer Blue, Peacock, and Metallics Rose, Aqua, and Orange. The Peacock reminds me of Juno's carriage and I'm adding it to one of fave pairs.

These are the yummy coloured ones. STYLE sweetpea/pink, Red Bandeira, STYLE Lilac/Lavender, STYLE Red/Navy Blue, and Orange Metallics again.

And of course for securing them for shipment...this task I owe to my Kumareng Joyss. Labsyhooo Girl!!! :)
49 days to go and it's Spring time!!! But for now, I'll simply stare at you and dream of warm sunny days!!!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Thank you HAVAIANAS!!!

These, I can no longer find in the shops. Oh this is so exciting, I'm telling you!

And this one must be an old release of the FRUITS. Banana! Banana! Banana! I'm goin' bananas!!!

A token from the GENEROUS PEOPLE of HAVAIANAS!!!
I cannot contain my excitement! I just have to post this rightaway...
It all started with a simple email to the website of my favourite footwear brand HAVAIANAS.
Since I only started collecting in January 2006, I missed all the fantastic earlier release of Havs. I thought maybe if I write, they might somehow know where I can still purchase them. I am one desperate trying hard collector, I know!
And then in just a few days, I received a very friendly email from a gentleman in Alpargatas. Oh wow! I was impressed. The email's written by a real person and not an automatically generated letter! Then just right after that email, another one came in this time from the Havaianas local distributor in Australia. I AM getting an email from the local distributor!!! I am having that email framed! ;) But it didn't end to a single email. I kept receiving them almost everyday. And of course I bragged about how silly I can be with the footwear and how many pairs I have (oh shuzzz, I'm so full...) But really, let me just say that she's very nice I wanted to hug her now!!!
So's what makes me feel like Christmas in July:
I didn't go to work today coz I wasn't feeling very well. All the stress and late nite work's taking its toll on me now. But then around 10am, our doorbell rang and a man with this box took my husband's signature. At first I thought it was the parcel I was expecting from Manila. Imagine my surprise when I read the sender's address: my jaw dropped! And Erick started laughing...He said "Mummy, you're shaking!". I asked him at once to get the camera...I just have to capture this!
And what does a gold box means???? Limited! Limited! Limited!!!
The GOLD box contains TWO pairs of the Limited Edition World Cup series. One pair is gold and the other is silver. Oh my havness!!!
Since this IS a limited edition... distributors were given only a few number of pairs for each country. I was told before by Clayton (Globalize Shop's Manager), that their shop got two Gold pairs to give off. But to be able to win a pair, one has to compose an email as to why he/she wanted the pair. They didn't send me the member's notice so I kept on calling and calling for my membership email so I can join. But to my dismay, I didn't get it even until the promo ends. But guess what? I was meant to have NOT one but TWO! Hugggsss again to Ms. A.!!!
And then there's another box!
I have to pose with them with my PJs and all this moring to send to Ms. A. at once, to thank them for their generosity. This is the first time in my whole errrmmty-two years of life that I get to receive a surprise gift from people I don't know. And this is a fabulous gift!
Until now, 5 hours after opening the box, I still cannot believe my eyes...I have to keep on going through each pair and feel them. I am one silly girl, awright!
Thanks heapsfor this overwhelming token Havaianas! And I am just so proud to patronize a product with such wonderful and generous people behind it.
Thank you very much.
Blogspot wouldn't let me add more photos anymore so I am going to continue this on another entry to show you the rest of the pairs.Saturday, July 08, 2006
i LOVE Havaianas

containing these two...

One with the white LOVE pair

Oh my havness, they're gorgeous!!! this is a very rare style and it's not even available in the shops anymore. I heart you KC!!! thanks for scoring these out for me. I can't wait to see and try them on! LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. :)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Gloomy Bummy...
In between monitoring the jobs running in test and investigating the unix script issue, I thought I'd call Globalize for a brief break from work. They knew at once who they were talking to. Nya-ha! I guess I'm the only freak who constantly inquires for new styles coming in, in the middle of Winter?! The sales person told me, the new styles hasn't arrived yet. Uh-oh..Okay thanks a lot...(my mind says, i'll call back on saturday).
Then I resorted to calling home and ask my husband if any parcel came in today. He reminded me that it was only mailed on Monday from Manila and so I must wait for Friday before I get too worried about it. By the way, I asked him the same question yesterday. :) And he must expect the same tomorrow. I am one very impatient earthling!
Oh by the way...I ordered some 12 pairs from US in April. Some of them were Collector's Edition from the Havaianas US website. 3 months now and still hasn't arrived.
My friend said the parcel was sent via Economy so expect a long agony of waiting. I don't know what he was thinking when he chose to send it on economy and neither was he. We're both still hoping that it'll arrive in OZ shores anytime this month. And here's what I'm hoping too...that the rubber hasn't melted and that the swarovski hasn't turned to graphite YET! Here's some photos included in that shipment. They're no longer available on online shopping so I was told and that parcel better arrive!
Fashion White with Swarovski

So there...I reckon I feel pretty fine now. Posting away the blues and admiring these photos. It's NOT as good as a Havaianas Fix but a few dose can be quite alright...
Sunday, July 02, 2006

(ph0to taken from the havaianas website)
My STYLE and Jiff

It was a chilly day for Melbourne today. A max of 13 degrees but really it feels like lower than 10! The breeze was freezing and it was raining too! It feels so good to sleep in and stay cuddled up in a warm bed the whole day and watch DVDs.
But sorry to say we have no choice but to get up and brave the weather to get some fresh supplies from the Queen Victoria Market.
I took a shower briefly and planned my wardrobe for the day. I vowed to wear my havies even if it's winter coz I only get to wear them on weekends. So yesterday was the Summer White and today's the Royal Blue/Pistachio STYLE. "Worn for the very first a virrrr.... :) "
And just as expected my toes started complaining when the rainwater went through. Mwahaha!!! I told ya so! But fortune favours the brave so I remind myself. It wasn't so bad anymore after awhile. Must be because I got used to the cold or my toes were already frozen!
We spent the entire morning and afternoon shopping for food and groceries to last us the entire month. As soon as we get home, I looked at my havs and I pity them. The picture of one used and abused, cold and wet, and stained! My havs stained!
After washing the fresh fruits and vegetables and poultry and meat and pistachio style had a warm rub-a-dub. Twice brushed but I can still spot some discolouration on the bottom part. My husband told me to stop scrubbing coz it might scratch off the green colour and you know how tragic that can be. I stopped. I rummaged through our detergents, dishwashing liquids, and other chemicals and found...JIFF!!!
Mighty! Mighty Jiff! I poured a few drops and gently gently brush it through again...and VOILA! The stains' gone! Looking brandnew as ever! To the bathroom sink it goes to dry up.
So there ya go...If you've got problems with stains on your havies...JIFF it! Stain's gone in a jiffy!!!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
get rid of stress!

I'm used to stress that's half what I'm paid for by the company and the other percentage is the output. But for 4 weeks now I know I'm stretched to the limits. I have been going home at 9pm and waking up at 6am. Worked on holidays and weekends and I don't have a life anymore!!! Nah...not that I'm complaining but it's making me grumpier each day and by the time this project is deployed to production, i'd look like a wrinkly 87 yr. old (BUT still wearing Havaianas of course!).
I'm not forcing you to believe me, but you know what's keeping me above waters? What else?! Solamente Legitimas Havaianas! I'm a shallow person, I don't need you to rub it in. Whenever I feel overworked and exhausted, I'd visit my favourite forum and check on the new goss about havaianas or a glimpse on the photo of my collection would sometimes do the trick! How freaky is that? Oh well, that's PASSION! And you'll know what I mean, once you're IN!
Some things to look forward to in July...
1) My Kumareng Joyssabel will be sending my bubbas on Monday from Manila. I can't wait to see the peacock, the red bandeira, the aqua metallics, the IPE parrot, whoa! 27 pairs am I right Joysski?
2) New styles arriving anytime in Globalize shop according to Store Manager Clayton. He also loves Havaianas and by the way he's also cute...
3) A fellow Havie enthusiast Pam P. just mentioned that there's new styles hitting the Philippine shores next week and my ever reliable personal shopper Momma Rache assured me she'll get every single new style for me! WooHoo!!!
I'm posting a photo of the new DRAGON style that's arriving in Manila next week...